The registration fee for the EFCH2 2025 can be paid by using two methods of payment: the bank's transfer or the Credit Card (via Paypal). The cost of the registration fee is the same but the Paypal option entails an increase of the 3,5% correspondent to the commission's fee that Paypal charge for this payment. As reported in the registration policy this commission will be on the attendee side as the fee has to be received in €uro and free from any charge.
Please select the method of payment you prefer by clicking on the correspondent card here below and you'll directed to our Official Registration Page.
Early Bird: € 600,00
Standard: € 750,00
Early Bird: € 800,00
Standard: € 950,00
Early Bird: € 1.100
Standard: € 1.250
- The category "Regular " refers to Academic, Government, Industry and Consultants. It includes:
Access to the conference rooms, informational materials, Book of Proceedings, list of attendees with affiliations, lunches and coffee breaks at Conference Venue, Social Dinner
- The category "Young Researcher" refers to PhD and Post-Doc up to 35 years old. It includes: Access to the conference rooms, informational materials, Book of Proceedings, list of attendees with affiliations, lunches and coffee breaks at Conference Venue, Social Dinner.
- The category "Students" refers to students & trainees. It includes:
Access to the conference rooms, informational materials, Book of Proceedings, list of attendees with affiliations,coffee breaks at Conference Venue. Lunches and Social Dinner are not inclued in the Student rate and these can be purchased separately.
- Rates are in Euros, excluding 22% VAT.
- Early bird deadline is July 30th,2025 (23.59h)
- The registration fee is based on the date of the receipt of the registration form and the payment in full in accordance with the deadlines set forth (see above).
- Payments must be received within the deadline reported in the registration form. Should one deadline be missed, the next applicable fee will be charged automatically.
- The registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment in full.
Only fully completed registration forms will be accepted.
- Students MUST provide proof of full-time status (copy of valid student ID card or letter from affiliated institution head or program director) at the following email address
- Young researcher category is reserved only to PhD and Post-Doc with a maximum age of 35 years. It is mandatory to send and ID card together with the due documents which can prove the PhD or Post-Doc Status.